DailyDevotion Sun. 12/7/2017

LESSON 11 12/2/2017
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 33, 35
Devotional Reading: Lk 12:35-40
Topic for Adults: Be Ready At All Times
Topic for Youths: Never Run Out Of God’s Grace
Topic for Intermediates: Will You Be Ready?
Scripture Reading: Matt. 25: 1-13
Memory Verse: Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of man is coming. Matt. 25:13 [KJV]
Sun. 12/7/2017
Be Watchful
1 Thess. 5:1-9
Apostle Paul wrote to the brethren at Thessalonica about Christ’s imminent return and to address the misconception on the eternal loss of those who have lost their loved ones. Believers are warned to be sober and watchful, not to allow themselves to be carried away by the excitement and merriment of the moment. Believers admonished to be watchful for the day of the Lord will be unannounced. Also, because there is tendency to relapse and become careless, we need to be sober and vigilant in the spirit, knowing that God has appointed us to obtain salvation by faith in Christ Jesus.
Point of Emphasis: Be watchful so that the arrival of the Bridegroom will not meet you unawares
Prayer Point: Oh Lord, help me to be watchful.
In the lesson of today, Jesus used a parable to teach a profound reality about the kingdom of God – the reason why some will be shout out and others will be granted admittance. The Master vividly describes a typical group of ten adolescents. Some were wise while others were referred to as fools. The reason for this classification formed the backdrop of the lesson.
The relationship between a bride and her bridegroom or between husband and wife is often used to illustrate that between Christ and His church [Matt. 22:2; 9:15; Jn 3:29; Eph. 5:23; Rev. 19:7; 21:2, 9]. In parables, physical phenomena are used to illustrate spiritual or heavenly realities. Hence parables are meant to reveal hidden knowledge or dark sayings, and the essence is for clarity and understanding [Ps. 49:4; 78:2]. A lot of Christ’s teachings about the kingdom of God were presented by parables.
God is holy and righteous. He cannot behold sins in the life of His people and likewise in His kingdom. This is a prerequisite for those who will reign with Him [Isa. 61:10, Rev. 19:6-8]. The lamp represents God’s word and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The bridegroom is our Lord Jesus Christ – the Messiah. The virgins are members of the church waiting for the return of Christ. While the oil connotes the presence of the Holy Spirit, His anointing and His grace [Exo. 29:7, 21; 1 Sam. 10:1; 16:1,13; Isa. 61:3; Heb. 1:9].
Christ used this parable to show the preparedness of the church or individual Christian for His return. Virginity is often used as a symbolism for purity, righteousness and holiness [2 Cor. 11:2]. Little wonder many cultures in the world use white garment as a test of virginity to show that the bride has kept herself pure for her bridegroom. After our conversion, God begins to see us with the righteousness of our Saviour Jesus Christ, which is sometimes viewed as a white garment covering the believers [Dan. 7:9; Mk. 16:5]. This garment is expected to be kept clean and unspotted till we lay our trophies at the feet our Lord. Hence, the virgins in the text refer to those who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, who are living the life of holiness and righteousness. These virgins were prepared to meet their bridegroom, but because they did not know the day and at what time he would arrive, they needed to take lamps in case he came at night. Five of the ten virgins took their lamps with extra oil while the other five took only their lamps. The former virgins were described as being wise, while the latter were referred to as fools. Why should a virgin [a redeemed, committed, and service-bound Christian who is living a holy life and eagerly waiting for Christ’s return] be described as being foolish? The foolish virgins were foolish because they did not plan ahead; they did not consider the possibility that the bridegroom might not come at the time they expected.
However, some have interpreted this passage to mean that Christians are the wise virgins, while the foolish ones are the hypocrites in the church who are more concerned about the party than longing for the return of the bridegroom. Whatever interpretation that is given to the details of this parable, one thing that is sure is that it points at our preparedness for the Lord’s return. What really shows whether we’re wise or foolish as Christians is our disposition to the affairs of our souls [Luke 12: 19-21]. Many have a lamp of profession in their hands, but have not in their hearts.
While the bridegroom delayed in his coming, the virgins all slumbered and slept. The period of this delay represents the space between our conversion as Christians to the coming of Christ, to take us away by death or to judge the world. Hence, this delay presents opportunity for us to reciprocate the love that saved us from sin by rendering service to God in sincerity and purity.
The wise virgins kept their lamps burning, but they did not keep themselves awake. Christians are admonished to be sober and watchful as they await the Lord’s return. Those that allow themselves to slumber, will scarcely keep from sleeping; therefore, dread the beginning of spiritual decays. A lot of Christians grow remiss, and one degree of carelessness leads to another. Believers should constantly examine themselves to ascertain their spiritual state [2 Cor. 13:5; Rom. 8:9,10; 1 Cor. 9:27]. We need to allow the leading of the Holy Spirit and be obedient to His promptings because He is the seal of God upon our spirits to guide us till eternity [Eph. 1:13].
The Bible has taught that the coming of the Lord will be sudden, like a thief in the night. The waiting of the virgins in this text came to an end when, suddenly, there was a cry of the arrival of the long awaited bridegroom. The virgins all got up from their slumber and trimmed their lamps. Unfortunately, the foolish virgins’ lamps were gone out because the oil in their lamps got exhausted. The day of the Lord will be a day of search and inquiry; and it concerns us to think how we shall then be found. Failure to be ready when the Lord comes is to be shut out from His presence and kingdom. Those unprepared cannot borrow from those who are. Someone else’s salvation, purity and preparedness cannot be shared. Preparedness must be personal. In our world, a mischievous person can use someone else’s certificate to secure an employment or a job or even start a business but such will not happen in God’s kingdom. There will be no chance for impersonation.
Those that take up short of true grace, will certainly find the want of it one time or another. The foolish went out to get some oil for their lamps and before they return the bridegroom had gone in with the prepared. The truth is, there is a time to buy oil, and there is a time to trim your lamp and burn the oil. Those that have most grace, have none to spare; in fact, the best need more from Christ. Don’t delay in seeking God’s face for His grace and anointing upon your life; this will not suffice when you should actually appropriate it.
The infilling of the Holy Spirit in our lives should be daily and continuous – you need to pray and study God’s word daily, and allow Him to fill you for the day, knowing that yesterday’s strength will not suffice for today’s battle [Isa. 40:31]. Finding salvation requires more concentrated efforts than most people are willing to put forth. Obviously we cannot save ourselves no matter our good works. The efforts we must put out to enter through the narrow gate is earnest desire to know Jesus and diligently striving to follow him wholeheartedly whatever the cost [Luke 13:24, 25]. In order to prepare for Christ’s return, you need to 1] give your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so, 2] start fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit daily by studying God’s words and prayer, 3] begin to practise strict obedience to God’s instruction, and 4] be sober and watchful as you continue in God’s service, eagerly expecting His return.
The parable concludes by giving a stern warning to believers to keep watch because no one knows the day or the hour in which Christ will return. We cannot decide for God since the door will not be open forever. Because of carelessness, many will not be prepared when the Son of man comes. Consequently, they will miss out on the blessings they had hoped for all through their years in God’s service.
The lesson of today warns against thoughtlessness, carelessness and indifference. In the parable, some of the girls were thoughtful, hence they prepared for the future by taking extra oil. However, others were foolish, because they did not consider the possibility that the bridegroom might not come at the time they expected. The bridegroom delayed in his arrival, but in due course he came, and then there was no time to make preparations. The foolish girls were locked outside the house and had no further chance of going in to the wedding feast. Because your soul is of inestimable value to God, Christ’s return may have been delayed so that you will not miss out in His kingdom. Therefore surrender your life to the Lord and get ready for His return. Remember that the door will not open forever!
- What is the significance of the items mentioned in the parable?
- Why were the five virgins described as wise, while the others were referred to as fools?
- How will you contrast the preparation of the virgins for their bridegroom with the preparation of the church for Christ’s second coming?
- How can Christians make sure they don’t run out of God’s grace?
- How can we prepare ourselves for Christ’s return?