We Believe:

  • In the divine inspiration of the Holy Bible. 11Tim.3:16-17; 1Pet.1:20,21
  • In the trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Matt.28:19; Matt.3:16-17; Deut.6:4; 1Cor.8:6; Mk.12:28-30
  • In the total depravity of the human race. Rom.5:12; Gen.6:5-7; Rom.1:28-32; Ps.51:5
  • In the plan of redemption through the blood of Christ. Jn.3:16; Lev.17:11
  • In repentance and restitution. Acts 3:19; Ezek.18:21; Lk.19:8-9; Matt.21:28-32; Lk.15:11-32; Is.55:7
  • In justification and new birth. Jn.3:3; Rom.3:23-24
  • In entire sanctification. Heb.10:10
  • In water baptism as a testimony to salvation. Matt.28:19; Heb.8:26-38; Matt.3:16; Acts 2:41; Rom.6:3-14
  • In the Lord’s Supper. Matt.26:26-29; 1Cor.11:23-32; Ex.12:27-51; Lk.22:19
  • In baptism of the Holy Spirit. John 7:32-39; Acts 2:2-13; Eph.5:18; Rom.15-16; Acts 10:46,49; Acts 19:1-6; Acts 2:39
  • In the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Rom.12:6-8; 1Cor.12:1-12; Eph.4:7-8,11,13-16; 1Peter 4:9-11; Gal.5:22-24
  • In New Testament standard of gifts, offerings and tithes. 1Sam.9:5-10; 11Kings 4:7-10; Mal. 3:8-12; Lk.21:1-4, Matt.23:23; 1Cor.8:1-9; 9:1-12
  • In biblical principle of marriage. Matt.5:31-32, 19:9; Mark 10:1-12; Lk.16:18; Rom.7:2-3; Mal.2:13-16; Gen.2:18; Matt.19:4-6; 1:18-20; 1Cor.7:10-11
  • In divine healing and present day miracles. James 5:14-16; Is.53:4; Matt.8:8
  • In the civil government. Rom.13:1-5; Ex.22:28; 1Pet.2:17; Acts 5:29
  • In the resurrection of the body. Rev.20:5; John 11:25-27; Deut.12; 1Cor.15
  • In the second coming of Christ. 1Thess.4:16-17; 1Jon 2:28 (NLT)
  • In the tribulation. Matt.24:21-28; Rev.6:7
  • In eternal heaven and hell. Matt.22:31-46
  • In the judgement seat of Christ for saint’s rewards. Matt.16:27; 25:31-46; 1Cor.3:10-15; 11Cor.5:10; Rev.22:12
  • In the millennial reign of Christ. Dan.7:13-14,18; Rev.20:1-5; Rev.19:11-21
  • In the final judgement and in the endless punishment of unbelievers. Rev.20:10-15
  • In the new heaven and the new earth. Is.65:17-18; Rev.21:1-3Rev.21:1-3
  • In the endless ages when God the Father of all shall be all in all. 1Cor.15:24-28