DailyDevotion Wed. 15/2/2017

LESSON 12 19/2/2017
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 148, 150
Devotional Reading: Lk. 14:15-24
Topic for Adults: Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen.
Topic for Youths: Don’t Refuse God’s Invitation
Topic for Intermediates: Enter Through The Narrow Gate
Scripture Lesson: Matt. 22:1-3; Rev. 21:2,9; Matt. 22:4-8; 23:37; 22:8-13
Memory Verse: “But when the king came to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. So he said to him, friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment’. And he was speechless (Matt. 22:11-12) NKJV
Wed. 15/2/2017
Dead To Sin But Alive To Christ
Rom. 6:10-11
How would you describe the persistence of sin in your life? Many Christians, even though they are sincerely committed to following Christ, continue to live with besetting sins. They continue to feel as if they are powerless to overcome the impulse to act against God’s commands. Nobody is perfect, Apostle Paul says “The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” Here it is clear that the sinful habits we find so hard to shake off are not an integral part of us. We are not condemned to sin forever. Instead, Paul insists that Christians can be “dead to sin.” As John Wesley explained it, this means being “freed both from the guilt and from the power of it.” Believers should rely on God’s daily provision of grace to be dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Point of Emphasis: Here it is clear that the sinful habits we find so hard to shake off are not an integral part of us.
Prayer Point: Oh God, my father, I receive your grace to be dead to sin but alive to you in everyday of my life in Jesus’ Name.