#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Fri. 9/9/2016
LESSON 2 11/9/2016
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 223, 260
Devotional Reading: Matt. 19:1-12
Topic For Adults: Conform to God’s plan for your family.
Topic For Youths: Decide To Follow God’s Commands For Your Marital Relationship.
Topic For Intermediates: God’s Plan For The Family Is Ideal For You
Scripture Lessons: Gen. 2:22-24; Mk. 10:1-10; Heb. 13:4
Memory Verse: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24) NKJV
Fri. 9/9/2016
Sexual Perversion Is Forbidden
Lev. 18:19-25
God ordained sex within marriage, between a man and a woman. It is designed to be a means of bringing two people who have committed themselves to one another into intimate relationship. But Satan has turned it into a means of perverting God’s purpose. Sexual perversion comes in various forms. Incest involves sexual relations between people who are close relations – siblings, in-laws, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, etc. Another form of sexual perversion is same-sex sexual relations – gay and lesbianism. Another gross perversion is bestiality in which sexual intercourse occurs between a person and an animal. Any type of sexual activity outside between a man and his legal wife is forbidden by God. The society may approve of it or condone it. The Bible states clearly that God’s wrath is on anyone who engages in such perversion. Perversion occurs because man wants to satisfy himself without recourse to the purpose for which God granted it.
Point of Emphasis: Sexual perversion defiles the land and brings God’s judgment on the people of the land.
Prayer Point: Father in your mercy, deliver all those who are trapped in sexual perversion.