Daily Devotion REVISION DAY 6

SATURDAY 25/2/2017
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 33, 35
Devotional Reading: Lk 12:35-40
Topic for Adults: Be Ready At All Times
Topic for Youths: Never Run Out Of God’s Grace
Topic for Intermediates: Will You Be Ready?
Scripture Reading: Matt. 25: 1-13
Memory Verse: Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of man is coming. (Matt. 25:13) NKJV
The lesson of today warns against thoughtlessness, carelessness and indifference. In the parable, some of the girls were thoughtful, hence they prepared for the future by taking extra oil. However, others were foolish, because they did not consider the possibility that the bridegroom might not come at the time they expected. The bridegroom delayed in his arrival, but in due course he came, and then there was no time to make preparations. The foolish girls were locked outside the house and had no further chance of going in to the wedding feast. Because your soul is of inestimable value to God, Christ’s return may have been delayed so that you will not miss out in His kingdom. Therefore surrender your life to the Lord and get ready for His return. Remember that the door will not open forever!
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 148, 150
Devotional Reading: Lk. 14:15-24
Topic for Adults: Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen
Topic for Youths: Don’t Refuse God’s Invitation
Topic for Intermediates: Enter Through The Narrow Gate
Scripture Lesson: Matt. 22:1-3; Rev. 21:2,9; Matt. 22:4-8; 23:37; 22:8-13
Memory Verse: “But when the king came to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless (Matt. 22:11-12) NKJV
The parable closes with an explanation “For” Many are “called,” but few are chosen. The word “many” is not intended to be a restricted number; it is used in Isaiah 53 to speak of those for whom Christ poured out his blood. The invitation has gone out to all who care to listen, but some just refused, and some wanted to come but refused to submit to the requirements of entrance into the kingdom. So none of these will be present in the kingdom. Those Jesus refers to as “chosen” are the people who respond to the invitation to come, and respond in the proper manner so that they are prepared to enter the kingdom. Because the Bible refers to the recipients of grace as “chosen,” we may conclude that it intends to say that God is not surprised by the acceptance of some and the rejection of many. In other words, sovereign grace is still at work, even though on the human level, we see how some refuse and some accept and prepare.