#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Tue. 29/11/2016
LESSON 1 4/12/2016
Suggested Hymn: G.H.B. 147, 148
Devotional Reading: Ps. 19:7-14
Topic For Adults: The Gospel Of The Kingdom Is Perfect
Topic For Youths: Embrace The Gospel Of The Kingdom
Topic For Intermediates: Be Equipped Thoroughly
Scripture Lesson: Matt. 5:20; 18:3; 3:7; Rom. 3:23; 1 Jn. 1:10; Matt. 3:1-8; 4:17; 5:19
Tue. 29/11/2016
Universality Of The Gospel Foretold
Ps. 22:22-28
This is a song of praise by the psalmist. He sang it to Jesus Christ’s victory on the cross. Jesus is the exalted Redeemer who gathers around Himself His brethren. Verse 24 reveals that the death of Jesus Christ results in help for the afflicted (v. 26) and the preaching of the gospel in all nations (v. 27). He rules over all the nations. All the nations of the world will worship the Lord and submit to His rulership. Jesus reigns, let the world tremble before Him.
Point of Emphasis: For the kingdom is the LORD’S and He is the governor among the nations.
Prayer Point: As I worship You in truth and in spirit, let me eat and be satisfied.