Sun. 16/11/2014

Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Life Foundation

Unit 1 Theme: Knowing Essential Ordinances/Doctrines (Lessons 8-12)


Sunday 16/11/ 2014



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 176, 177

Devotional Reading: JN. 5:24-29

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lessons

1 Cor. 15:12-22; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:5-13


Memory Verse:

So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power (1 Cor. 15:42-43) NKJV .



Sun. 16/11/2014

Don’t Partake In The Second Resurrection

Rev. 20:5,11-13

After the first resurrection discussed yesterday, those who are partakers would have enjoyed so many things like getting rewards for work done in the body for the Lord, Marriage Supper of the Lamb, reigning with Jesus for a period of one thousands years etc. while others will still be lying in the graves. But at the end of the millennial reign, all other dead people, both small and great, will be raised back to life, many of them not to enjoy but to be judged and condemned to hell for not accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and for the evil deeds they have done on earth. Do you now see why you should not partake in this second resurrection? But it is not a matter of wishful thinking, you must work towards it.

Point of Emphasis: And they were judged, each one according to his works.

Prayer Point:            Lord, help me not to partake in this second resurrection.  




ome people believe that death is the end of man on earth and that nothing
happens thereafter. But this belief is false in the light of the Biblical doctrine of
the resurrection of the dead. Both for believers and unbelievers, physical death is not the end but a transition to another series of events in God’s agenda. They will be raised again to life. This week’s lesson centres on the Biblical teaching of the resurrection of the dead, when it will happen and how it will happen to believers and unbeliever alike.




It is evident from 1 Cor. 15:12 that the important doctrine of the resurrection of the dead has been denied at Corinth and that this error had obtained a footing in the Church itself. Hence, Paul writing to the Corinthian Christians to put this doctrine in proper perspective. Having stated the direct evidence for the resurrection of the Lord Jesus in 1 Cor. 15:1-11, he proceeded to illustrate how the dead would rise by showing how it followed from the fact that the Lord Jesus has risen and by showing what consequences would follow its denial. The whole argument of Paul is based on the fact that Jesus had risen. If that is admitted, it follows that His people would also rise.

The argument of some people was that it is impossible for the dead to rise to life again. But Paul showed them that resurrection of the dead is not based on metaphysical argument but on a well ascertained fact, demon-strated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If God can raise Jesus from dead and the same God has promised to raise the dead, whether at rapture or during the end of age, then one should not doubt the certainty of the fulfillment of God’s promise. Paul said denying the resurrection of the dead is denying that Jesus rose from the dead and that makes a believer’s faith futile and empty and a believer still remains in his or her sins.

Paul concluded on reiterated the earlier fact that Jesus indeed rose from the dead and became the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep (v. 20). The word first- fruit is used in the sense of that which is first, the beginning or that which has the priority of time. It also means that which is a part and portion of the whole which is to follow. This means, the resurrection of the dead will follow that of Jesus, for He was Chief in regard of the value and importance of His rising from the dead. He was connected with all that should rise and their rising so depended on His, that His resurrection was a demonstration that they would rise.


  1. THE FIRST RESURRECTION: 1 THESS. 14:13-18; REV. 20:5-6

The resurrection of the dead will happen in two phases. The first resurrection of the dead is connected with the event of the rapture as explained by Paul. When Jesus shall appear in the air at rapture, it is the dead in Christ, those who have given their lives to Christ, did His will and have slept (died) in the Lord, that will rise first and go to the Lord Jesus, while those believers who are alive then would be changed and caught together to meet the Lord in the air and both the risen dead and the living believers will ever be with the Lord.

The writer of Revelation made us understand that this first resurrection is the better and glorious of the two. Those who partake in the first resurrection are regarded as fortunate people, because they have been resurrected unto life and the second death has no power over them. This first resurrection is also called resurrection to life (Jn. 5:29); resurrection of the just (Lk. 14:14); and a better resurrection (Heb. 11:35).



During the first resurrection, it is not all that have died that will rise but only those who died in the Lord, that is, those that gave their lives to Him and did His will till their eyes were closed in death. The rest of the dead will remain in their graves. There would be an interval of about one thousand years between the first resurrection and the second. After the Millennial reign of Jesus, all other dead people that did not participate in the first resurrection will be raised from the dead.

In the account of the book of Revelation, these dead bodies will include both small and great, old and young people that will stand before God. At this point, it is irrelevant where a person died and was buried. Even those whose dead bodies were not found by their relatives, those who  died in the sea, those who were victims of plane crash and were burnt or scattered beyond recognition etc. will all be raised from the dead. This is the second resurrection.

Note that all those who partake in this second resurrection are going to face the judgment of God. They will be judged according to their deeds, recorded in the books of record in heaven. This is a resurrection of damnation for many will suffer in hell (Rev. 20:15), for they have rejected God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ (Jn. 3:17-18).


This lesson has shown that there is life after death and that death is not the final end of man. In view of this, every believer should strive to partake in the first resurrection, if they have gone to be with the Lord before the rapture. However, it is their walk with and work for Jesus on earth that will determine which of the two types of resurrection they will partake in.


  1. Explain Paul’s argument on the resurrection of the dead.
  2. How is Christ the first fruit for believers as regards resurrection of the dead?
  3.    What are other names for the first resurrection?
  4. Give the interval between the first and second resurrection.
  5. What will qualify a person for either the first or the second resurrection?


DIMANCHE 16/11/2014


APO. 20 :11-13

Après la première résurrection telle qu’abordée hier, ceux qui en ont part auraient joui de plusieurs choses comme obtenir des récompenses pour les œuvres faites dans le corps pour l’Eternel, le festin de noces de l’Agneau, régner avec Jésus pour une période de mille ans, etc. tandis que les autres resteraient encore couchés dans les sépulcres. Mais au bout du règne de mille ans, tous les autres morts, grands comme petits, ressusciteront encore pour la vie, la plupart d’entre eux non pas pour jouir mais pour être jugés et condamnés à l’enfer pour n’avoir pas accepté Jésus comme leur Seigneur et Sauveur et pour les œuvres mauvaises qu’ils auraient faites ici-bas. Vois-tu maintenant la raison pour laquelle tu ne dois pas avoir part à la seconde résurrection? Mais ce n’est une question de rêve, tu dois œuvrer dans cette direction.

Point essentiel : Et ils furent jugés chacun selon ses œuvres.

Axe de prière : Seigneur, aide-moi à ne pas prendre part à la seconde résurrection.


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