#VictoryMonth DAY 18: Thursday, 19th January 2017

DAY 18: Thursday, 19th January 2017
TextS: Isa. 61:1-9; Luke 1:68-79
Liberty is a great grace given to man on earth to move about freely. Though, there are some people who appear to be free on the surface but are not free in the true sense of it. They are not free because they are doing what they did not want to do and are not able to do what they wanted to do. At the creation, God made the following pronouncements: ”be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion over it” (Gen.1:28). That is liberty without limitation which was the original plan and purpose of God for man. There was no limitation and inhibition on man’s way of achieving his objectives and fulfilling desires and destiny on earth, going by the Divine design.
Unfortunately, something, somewhere, somehow happened and devastated the lofty divine agenda for man. That was talking about the garden of Eden scenario in which Adam fell victim of the devices of Satan. Man fell from grace to grass and as a result of this devastating set-back, man became a victim as against a victor of circumstances of life. This has made human race a perpetual strugglers where they were supposed to be rulers.
That is what make our prayer topic and Bible reading of today, very important. While the story of the fall and failure of Adam in the garden of Eden brought misery upon human race, the story of Jesus on the cross brought redemption and restoration.
For those who care to hear, there is no basis or reason for anyone to wallow and struggle in the waters of trouble of life any longer. It will be recalled that the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep during creation. Then, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, followed by the release of the word of God. The consequence was the manifestation of a brand new world of ours. (Gen. 1:1-4,31).
The same thing is happening now, human life is chaotic, empty and darkness-ridden. Jesus Christ the word of God has manifested to reorder the chaotic, dispel the darkness and reverse the emptiness. The same Holy Spirit who moved upon the waters in those days is still the one moving in His power to turn lives around for better today.
What to do?
- Surrender your life totally to Jesus Christ- (Acts 16:31)
- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly and reflect on your life – (Col. 3:16).
- Be filled with the Holy Ghost – (Zechariah. 4:6)
Are we ready for the transformational experience?
- Today, Lord, we come to You to enter into a covenant of the word and spirit to transform our lives in Jesus name.
- Give me the grace, Lord, to give adequate room for Your word in my life to make me Your ark of the covenant in Jesus name.
- Help me to allow Your word to dwell in my heart richly and rule my life absolutely in Jesus name.
- Dear Lord, make me an oracle of Yours through the effectiveness of Your word in my life that I may live and operate in power in Jesus name.
- Make my life the true temple of the Holy Spirit for Your permanent in-dwelling that I may continue to be Your faithful ambassador oh Lord.
- Make Your presence real in my spirit, soul and body and release the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit upon my life.
- Holy Spirit, fill our lives with the anointing to preach the gospel to the down trodden masses, all over the world.
- Dear Lord, give me the power to win souls in great numbers to populate Your kingdom and depopulate the kingdom of darkness.
- Dear Father, make me a notable, addicted and tireless soul-winner; let my assembly grow with my evangelistic activity for Your glory in Jesus name.
- Help and inspire every member of our assembly to preach Christ and bring people into the membership of God’s family.
- Father, use each of us for soul-winning the way You used Apostle Paul, the way You used Late Pastor R. A. George and the way you are using Pastor E. O. Abina.
- Visit us with the same old time anointing and zeal for soul winning that the masses may be free from eternal damnation oh Lord.
- Fill us with power to proclaim and minister deliverance to the captives in Jesus name.
- We declare deliverance for all those who are under the captivity of sin, sickness, poverty and barrenness in Jesus name.
- We command all Satanic yokes to be broken and burdens to be removed from any GOFAMINT member, that may be under such attacks in Jesus name.
- We decree the immediate stoppage of negative experiences of night-mares, spiritual husband/wife, incurable diseases, barrenness, oppressions etc. in Jesus name.
- We pray that yoke-breaking anointing be released upon all our ministers all over GOFAMINT in Jesus name.
- We decree the reversal of all negative situations in the lives of our members, from now; beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and spirit of praise for heaviness in Jesus name.
- We pray oh Lord, for the intervention and ministration of the angels to rebuild all fallen walls and restoration of desolations in all GOFAMINT family members in Jesus name.
- I decree and declare by the power of the Holy Spirit that I am the one that will eat the riches of the gentiles, no strangers shall manipulate and maneuver my life any longer.
- I declare that I will be fruitful, I will increase, I will multiply, I will replenish and live in dominion for the rest of my life in Jesus name.