#VictoryMonth DAY 19: Friday, 20th January 2017

DAY 19: Friday, 20th January 2017
Texts: Psalm 34:15-22, Mark 11:23-24
What is called problem in our world today are the situations that are beyond human ability to handle. Such situations put human life in disarray and despondency. Majority of people live in sadness and fear for greater days of their lives because of this. The truth however, is that no matter how hard and difficult any problem can be, it can be solved. Our prayer today is to address the problems with a view to solving them.
As believers, we need to know the followings points about problems.
- Every problem has a solution – (1Cor. 10:13b).
- Every problem has an expiring date – (Gen. 15:13).
- Problems are there and meant to be used as tools to demonstrate the works and power of God – (John 9:3).
- Satan, the force behind the problems has been defeated on the cross by Jesus Christ – (Col. 2:15).
- God is the ever present help for people in problems – (Psalms 46:1-5).
Problems can be classified into the following categories:
- Sinful Practice: This is the problem of sin. Sin is the instrument Satan uses to put human being under bondage. The first problem that must be solved in human life is that of sin. “He shall save His people from their sins” – Matt.1:21. If there is no solution to the problem of sin in somebody’s life, there may not be solution to other problems in the person’s life. That is why Jesus was always addressing the problem of sin in the lives of people who came to him for healing and deliverance.
- Demonic problems: These are the various miseries Satan devised and placed on human life to put it in a disarray. These include: 1. demonic possession like witches and wizards. Those involved in this have evil spirit living in them, using and controlling them. It is an abnormal life. They have direct contact with Satan and his demons. Those ones needs deliverance. 2. Oppression and obsession: Those are the ones under indirect control of demons. Those ones do not necessarily have demons inside them, but they have connection and attachment with demons who will be oppressing and afflicting them at will. They, also need deliverance.
- Circumstantial problems: These are problems manifesting in the different circumstances of life. Such as sicknesses, delayed marriage, barrenness, indebtedness, night-mares, lacking, disasters, etc.
- Marital problems: Inability of married couples to live together in harmony and love. This has led to separation and divorce of millions of marriages world-wide.
- Financial problems: Lack of money to meet essential things in our lives; projects and programmes for the expansion of the gospel. It is a problem, but it is the least and easiest to solve of all the problems. This is because there are large volumes of money all around each of us. The only problem is how to have access to it.
Summary: Every born again, holy living and spirit filled child of God can cast out demons. On any situation or problem which is being operated by Satan, we don’t need to beg God to come and drive Satan away. God has given us the authority to cast out Satan. There should be no fear of witches and wizards. According to one of our Bible Reading today, we can command the mountain to move and be cast into the sea. Let us be ready to use our authority to solve all solvable problems.
- Thank You Father, because of Your presence with us. We know You are closer to us than the problems all around us.
- Thank You for the divine provision and solution You made through Jesus Christ to solve all our problems.
- Thank You for teaching us and helping us to lead Holy life as a church.
- Whatever sin that is hidden in our midst, forgive us and nullify them totally in Jesus name.
- We are standing on the holy land of GOFAMINT through the blood of Jesus to address all negative situations and we claim solution and victory in Jesus name.
- We decree and speak solutions to all circumstantial problems in the lives of every GOFAMINT member, world-wide, like barrenness, late marriage, unemployment, sickness, poverty, indebtedness, failure, disasters etc. we command you to go into bondage in Jesus name.
- Let us passionately intercede on behalf of families going through tough times and turbulence; we decree peace in Jesus name.
- Dear Father, give us solution to financial problems in this church individually and corporately in Jesus name.
- Give us the power and the wisdom to prosper in Jesus name.
- Open the door for our members to enter into strategic places of blessings without compromising their faith in Jesus name.
- Enable GOFAMINT members to become entrepreneurs, top government officials and decision makers in the affairs of this world in Jesus name.
- Open the door of Your blessings in influential positions for us, oh Lord.
- We rebuke the spirit of poverty and myopic mentality from our lives in Jesus name.
- Special prayers of deliverance for those suffering from obsession, those seeing evil spirits and being oppressed by them.
- Special ministrations also for those are possessed of any evil spirit.