#VictoryMonth DAY 6: SATURDAY, 7TH JANUARY 2017

TEXTS: Ps. 55:18, 1 Sam. 7:2-13, Isa. 37:18-35, 1 Kings 20
Christian life is a battle from the beginning to the end. Every Christian is in the battle field. The battles of life have no potential to cause “the sunrise of your life and your family, if you subdue them”. Similarly, they may possess the potential for premature sun set of your life and family, if they prevail against you. Painfully, there are many battles that are against, your life and family (Ps.55:18). Most of these battles are very difficult to conquer. The powers behind these battles are incurably evil. They are unrepentant, aggressive, mad, crude and cruel (Psalms 55:18)
You need marvelous help to overcome every battle that is against your life and family. Your success story begins where divine help begins and ends where it ends. When you receive Divine help.
- Conquering grace will be released into your life.
- Your enemies become weak and unable to confront you.
- Your giant enemy turns to ant enemy.
- The battle turns against your enemy
- The power of your enemy becomes broken.
- Every roaring lion becomes helpless.
- Power changes hand.
- You become a tormentor to your tormentors.
- Your great enemy that appears too big to fight becomes too cheap to conquer.
- Your terrible enemy that appears too big to conquer becomes too easy to defeat.
Beloved, What are the battles that are against your life and your family? Jacob said, “all these things are against me”. Gen. 42:36. What are the things that are working and warring against your life and family? What are the sons of Zeruiah in your life? King David said, “And I am this day weak though anointed king and these sons of. When Benhadad came against the King Ahab with 32 kings, horses and chariot. And the servants of Benhadad the King of Syria said “Thus saith Benhadad, Thy silver and thy gold is mine, Thy wives also and thy children, even the goodliest, are mine. And the king of Israel answered and said, my Lord, O king, according to thy sayings, am I thine and all that I have”, 1 Kings 20:2-4, so sad, the king of Israel accepted the verdict of his enemy. He spoke with the voice of ignorance. He said,” Tell me Lord, the king, all that thou didn’t send for thy servant at the first time I will do; but this I may not do”, 1Kings 20:9. Fortunately, Ahab, enjoyed marvelous help of God through grace, and by grace, we mean God‘s willingness to use His power on our behalf, even when we don’t deserve it. Yes, Ahab never deserved the help of God but got it. You too will get the help of God. Three times God sent a prophet to Ahab to tell him what to do (1 Kings 20:13, 22, 28) And finally the power changed hand. Benhadad was badly defeated. “And the servant of Benhadad, so they girded sackcloth on their loins, and put ropes on their heads, and came to the king of Israel, and said, Thy servant Benhadad saith, I pray let me live” 1Kings 20:32. The great enemy became the little enemy because of God’s help. This help is available for you and for your family. You can enjoy His help in all facets of life.
However, there are forces that stir opposition against your destiny and family. These forces that stir opposition against you and your family may include.
- Personal sin. Sins are like snakes, whether they are big or small, they do harm. There is a live wire in every sin and many people are slain by them. Personal sin provokes God’s wrath and paralyses you for your enemy to conquer.
- Sickness (Ps. 14:8)
- Satan (Job 2:3)
- Self invited and uninvited war (1Sam. 24, Prov. 17:13)
- Stealing from God (Zech.5:2-4)
- Sick foundation (Judges 11;1-3)
- Sinful spouse (2 Sam. 12:11, 16:20-22, 2 Sam.20:3)
- Sinful seed or seeds (Eli 1Sam. 16:11)
- Envious neighbours or brethren (Jer.12:14)
May you really enjoy His marvelous help for all the battles against your life and family all round the year in Jesus Name.
- O Lord, help me to enjoy your marvelous help in every area of my life and family, where the battle is raging against us.
- O Lord, terminate every battle against my life and family, threating to cause the sunset of my destiny.
- O Lord, let that battle against me and family; end up with the sunrise of our destiny.
- O Lord, release your conquering grace upon my life and family. Turn every giant enemy to weakling and toothless bulldog for my triumph.
- O Lord, I need your marvelous help in any area of my life and family that are too hard and hot for me to handle (mention them).
- O Lord, give me total victory over enemy within and without.
- O Lord, uncover every hidden battle against my life and family and help us to overcome it.
- O Lord, make my family and myself a winner over all the battles fighting against us.
- O Lord, arise, scatter and defeat every battle planned by the enemy against us.
- O Lord, give us the grace to overcome, completely, all forces that stir opposition against us.