#VictoryMonth FAMILY VIGIL Day 2: 16th January 2017.

Day 2: 16th January 2017.
Text: Genesis 45: 7-8
Perhaps most profoundly, Joseph’s story presents amazing insight into how God sovereignly works to overcome evil and bring about His plan. After all his ordeals, Joseph was able to see God’s hand at work. As he revealed his identity to his brothers, Joseph spoke of their sin this way: “Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. . . . It was not you who sent me here, but God” (Genesis 45:5, 7-8). Later, Joseph again reassured his brothers, offering forgiveness and saying, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good” (Genesis 50:20). Man’s most wicked intentions can never thwart the perfect plan of God.
- God’s Sovereign Hand was upon Joseph’s life even though his good intentions to his brothers were turned round against him. Discuss how God’s marvelous help can allow an adversity to rise against us even among our kinsmen to fulfil His plan in our lives.
- How does the coat of many colours given to Joseph by His father become his source of marvelous help to fulfil divine destiny?. Remember the Bible says ‘the gift of a man maketh room for him’
- How and why does God turn our disappointments to divine appointments, and our stumbling blocks to stepping stones? Remember Rom 8:28.
- What are the lessons we learn from the life of Joseph during his period of trial before got promoted? What special lessons are learnt for our younger generation?
- Joseph was transformed overnight from prison to palace, from shame to fame, from poverty to prosperity; through God’s marvelous help. What is your situation now that you need God’s marvelous help for a turn around?
Let us pray
- Prison clothes on my body, burn to ashes in Jesus’ name
- Power of God, push me to the presence of kings in Jesus’ name
- This season, Kings shall send for me in Jesus’ name.
- Lord, deliver me from the spirit of hatred in Jesus’ name.
- Every spirit of hatred in my life, I use the blood of Jesus to wash it away. Let the overwhelming love of Christ clothe me.
- Lord, wherever I have been hated for no reason, cause them to love and accept me in Jesus name.
- Father, in the presence of those that hate me, bless me beyond their understanding in Jesus’ name.
- Father, in the presence of those that hate me, cause my life to experience all round fruitfulness in Jesus name.
- Father in the presence of those that hate me badly, take me to a position of authority in Jesus name.
- Lord, as many that hate me in my family as Joseph was hated by his brothers, in their presence Lord, decorate me with greatness in Jesus name.
- As Joseph’s brothers bowed before him, let those who hate me bow down before me as you divinely place me in an exalted position in Jesus name.
- As many that hate me and my dreams as Joseph’s brothers hated him and his dreams; Lord, let them live to see my dreams coming to fulfilment in Jesus’ name.
- Evil decree or curse over my life, spiritually, physically, financially, matrimonially and educationally; I break you, in the name of Jesus.
- Anything in me, around me or within, contesting with the presence of the Holy Spirit, are you still alive? die forever and perish, in the name of Jesus.
- Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in Jesus name.
- Father, whatever may be the weapons or tricks of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy me, paralyse and destroy them in Jesus name.
- Father, connect, correct and direct my helpers to me, anywhere they may be, in the name of Jesus.
- Begin to bless God for His marvellous help over your life because you will give a testimony like Joseph soon.