#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sat. 12/12/2015

LESSON 2     13/12/2015

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 240, 242
Devotional Reading: Acts 8:1-4
Topic for Adults: Don’t Be An Enemy Of God.
Topic for Youths: Expect Persecution.
Topic for Intermediates: It Is Not An Easy Road
Scripture Lesson: Acts 7:54-60, 8:1-3; 9:1-2; 7:51; Phil. 3:5-6; Gal. 1:13; 1 Cor. 15:9; Acts 8:1-8; 11:19-21

Memory Verse:     Now Saul was consenting to his death, at that time a great persecution arose against the Church which was at Jerusalem (Acts 8:1a) NKJV


Sat. 12/12/2015

Paul, The Persecutor

Gal. 1:13-14

Before encountering Jesus, Paul relentlessly persecuted Christians with righteous zeal. At the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, Paul held the coats of the executioners. He was no rebel or maverick, but he was out to challenge Jewish tradition. His determined objective was to “destroy” (13) the church, a word used for sacking a city. Paul saw Christianity as a dangerous cult and threat to Israel. He regarded the Church leaders as fanatical fishermen, those who needed to be stopped. They were his arch enemies. Paul was also convinced that Jesus was an imposter, a false Messiah who was re-defining Judaism and attacking the Law. Paul was passionate in his opposition to the Gospel. There was nothing in his militant past – his pre-conversion life that could have in any way prepared him for a positive response to the Gospel message. This informs us that there is hope for anyone, no matter how irreligious or antagonistic they are towards the Gospel.

Point of Emphasis:    No one is too bad beyond redemption.
Prayer point:    Lord, have divine encounters with all persecutors of your church and bring them to your saving knowledge.

GOFAMINT Australia


  • Gofamimt is for d word and enriched with the word of God

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