#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sat. 24/10/2015


UNIT 3: His Divine Commission, Ministry And Ultimate Glory (Lessons 8-12)

LESSON 8                     25/10/2015


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 168, 237

Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 2:1-7

Topic For Adults: Honour Your Call And Commission

Topic For Youths: Be Honest To God About Whom You Are

Topic For Intermediates: Great Is The “I Am That I Am”

Scripture Lesson: Exo. 3:2-6, 7-10, 4:1-17

Memory Verse:           “Come now therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt” (Exo. 3:10) NKJV


Sat. 24/10/2015

God Calls And Appoints

Jn. 15:12-17

God has a grand master plan of what He intends to accomplish in time and eternity. Each work done for the Lord or each ministry a person is engaged in, is a small piece forming a part of this master plan. In this plan, God has chosen what job is to be done by which individual. It is not the individual who chooses to work for God on his own. It is God who chooses the person, appoints him into the position where he will be able to carry out the duty intended. We often miss the point that it is God who has chosen us to carry out an assignment. We complain and grumble about how the Mission is unappreciative of what we are doing. When we miss the point that it is God who has chosen and appointed us to work for Him, we are likely to get discouraged. He not only appoints, He equips so that each chosen person can effectively bear fruits that will not abort.

Point of Emphasis:      Each chosen person is working for Him who chose and appointed him.

Prayer Point:               Father, give me a clear understanding of the fact that it is You who have chosen me to work for You.

GOFAMINT Australia