#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 28/1/2018

UNIT 3 – Sustaining Interpersonal Relationship (Lessons 8-12)
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 260, 271
Devotional Reading: PS. 133:1-3
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Scripture Lesson
PROV. 10:10-12; 13:10; 22:10; PROV. 17:14; 20:3; PHIL. 2:3; 2 TIM. 2:24; 1 JN. 4:16; MATT. 18:21-22; PROV. 3:27; PS. 133
28/1/2018 LESSON 9
Sun. 28/1/2018
Appreciate Fellow Christians
Rom. 16:1-8
In the Christian circle of his days, Paul stood taller than all his peers spiritually. Without the air of superiority, he wrote acknowledging the worth of all brethren around him. He appreciated the contribution of each individual to the work of God. One of the things that cause disharmony within a congregation is when a member shows off an air of superiority or claims to be more important than others. Let no one think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith (Rom. 12:3). Paul also took the pain to mention each person. It shows that he cared for each individual person, recognizing what each individual did within the household of God. Such personal touch in relationship assures individuals that they are not lost in the crowd; each person is important.
Point of Emphasis: Each individual is important to God; and should be so in our congregation.
Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, please help me to appreciate my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith.
The purpose of this week’s lesson is to educate us of the need for brethren in the church to live together in love despite our differences. There should be unity in our diversity. We must look at the available potentials in ourselves and not our weaknesses in order to have the same goal and vision to move the church of God forward.
PART 1: CAUSES OF DISHARM-ONY (PROV. 10:10-12; 13:10; 22:10)
The carnal man is loaded with several character traits that will cause strife and disharmony within a congregation. The carnal mind easily labels anyone who opposes him as an enemy; the friend of my enemy is also an enemy. Pride feeds on this and brings the conclusion that one is being opposed because one is hated. This breeds hatred. It is surprising that hatred is common place in the body of believers. The carnal mind finds it easy to carry rumours and to backbite. Rumourmongering and backbiting are like cancer within the body of Christ. Scoffing goes hand in hand with backbiting. The scoffer never sees anything good about the other person. He does not trust anyone around him and is suspicious of what any other person does.
Jesus Christ came to redeem us and that the carnal man may be put to death in us. If a Christian is truly crucified with Christ, the carnal mind will not have room to operate and therefore strife and disharmony will not appear (Read Galatians 5:19-21). Do you still permit the work of the flesh to manifest in your life? Are you an instrument in devil’s hand as agent of disharmony within the church or are you an instrument in the hand of God to bring harmony into the church?
PART 2: DISHARMONY FORBIDDEN (PROV. 17:14; 20:3; PHIL. 2:3; 2 TIM. 2:24)
Strife and disharmony are like fire or opening the water of a dam – you only know where it starts but do not know how far it will spread and what destruction it will bring. Small disagreements have brought in their wake inter-tribal and international conflicts that have claimed many lives. Wise people know it is better to avoid strife than looking for solution after the repercussion begins to appear. Strife which starts in a small way may end up destroying the life and destiny of those involved.
God is not the author of confusion and does not want any form of disharmony in the church. This is the reason why there was no room found for Satan in heaven after he began his march of disharmony. Paul the Apostle forbids manifestation of any trait that would cause disharmony within the body of Christ. He therefore commands “let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit” (Phil. 2:3); “therefore put to death your members which are on the earth” (Col. 3:5). If God did not tolerate Satan who caused disharmony in heaven, He will not tolerate anyone who causes disharmony within the church. His patience is just to give room for such people to repent.
As we relate unceasingly with one another, there are some principles that enhance harmonious living. These promote harmonious living and make relationship enjoyable among ourse-lves. Love (1 Cor. 13:4 – 8) is the debt we owe ourselves in the body of Christ that must be paid. It subsumes others like: forgiveness, giving, tolerance, trust, honesty, respect, appreciation. Forgiveness (Prov.17:9 Amp) should be cultivated as we offend one another on a daily basis as it gives continuity to life. Giving requires sharing and caring which is depriving yourself in order to benefit another, placing importance on the person given to. Tolerance is the willingness to accept someone the way he or she is, or endure pain or difficult condition caused by somebody else without being harmed or offended. This enhances understanding in relationship. Trust is believing that somebody is good and sincere without harming or deceiving. It binds people together, otherwise hypocrisy sets in which incorporates other vices. Honesty entails always telling the truth without any hidden agenda (2 Kgs.5:21, 25 – 27). Just be open in any relationship which is the key. Respect enhances peace, humility and unity. It helps to be cautious of what you say about the other person and, it’s a pillar in initiating and maintaining harmonious living. Appreciation is being grateful to others for whatever you receive from them or for their success. Words like “thank you”, “I am grateful” or “congratulations” would go a long way to show that you think well of them and you are concerned.
When there is harmony within the body of Christ, the Holy Spirit is given free rein to work in the congregation. The “precious oil” stated here signifies the Holy Spirit. The oil stands for anointing. The disciples were together and were all with one accord (Acts 2:1). There was harmony among them – no strife, no disagreement – they were of one spirit, one desire and one hope. As the Holy Spirit moved freely among them, their frustration turned to hope, their weakness turned to strength, their sadness turned to joy; they were filled with power. The Holy Spirit turned frightened and weak disciples to bold and power-filled believers. Their needs and the needs of those around them were met. No wonder great joy filled Samaria under the ministration of Phillip. The anointing flows from the head, doesn’t stop there, but flows to the beard and down to the edge of the garment.
Harmony is needed within the body of Christ if the church is going to successfully carry out its mandate. Satan will do all things possible to cause disharmony and strife among the children of God, but as they submit themselves to the work of the Holy Spirit, each Christian should yield himself or herself as instrument of peace in God’s hand.
- What is unique about a carnal person?
- What is the evidence that the carnal mind has been put to death?
- How can you affirm that God is not the author of confusion?
- Mention boosters of harmonious living.
- Why is harmony needed in the church?