#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Wed. 14/10/2015
LESSON 7 18/10/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 306, 308
Devotional Reading: Acts 7:22-29
Topic For Adults: Use Your Opportunities Wisely
Topic For Youths: Don’t Waste Your Opportunities
Topic For Intermediates: Be Responsible
Scripture Lesson: Exo. 2:16-21, 22; Acts 7:29; Exo. 3:1
Memory Verse: Then Moses was content to live with the man and he gave Zipporah his daughter to Moses, and she bore him a son, he called his name Gershom for he said, “I have been a stranger in a foreign land” (Exo. 2:21-22) NKJV
Wed. 14/10/2015
Provide For Your Family
1 Tim. 5:6-8
It is the duty of the father to provide for the needs of the family. After all, at creation God instructed the father and head of the first family on earth, Adam, to tend the garden so as to be able to fend for his house. However, the members of the family should realised that these needs ever increasing, therefore the father should not be left alone with this responsibilities. Our mother, Eve, was equally given supportive roles in the family. The whole family should join hand together in meeting the needs in the family. As it is being said that a single finger does not pick lice from the hair. As Christians’ family, we should not give room for laxity so that the name of Christ will not suffer reproach.
Point of Emphasis: He who does not provide for his family is even worse than unbelievers.
Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, continue to supply our needs according to Your riches in glory.
MERCREDI 14/10/2015
1TIMOTHEE 5 :6-8
Il est du devoir du père de pourvoir aux besoins de sa famille. Après tout, à la création, Dieu donna l’ordre au père et chef de la première famille sur terre, Adam, de cultiver le jardin afin d’être en mesure de pourvoir à sa famille. Cependant les membres de la famille doivent se rendre compte de l’augmentation sans cesse grandissante de ces besoins; alors cette responsabilité ne doit pas être la seule affaire du père. Certains rôles de soutien dans la famille furent attribués à notre mère, Eve. Toute la famille doit s’entraider à remplir les besoins de la famille. Comme on le dit qu’un seul doigt ne peut pas ramasser les poux des les cheveux, en tant que famille chrétienne, nous ne devons pas donner libre cours à la paresse afin que le nom de Christ ne soit discrédité.
Point essentiel : Celui qui n’a pas soin des siens est pire qu’un infidèle.
Axe de prière : Seigneur Jésus, continue à pourvoir à nos besoins selon ta richesse avec gloire.