Sat. 5/9/2015
UNIT 1: His Early Life (Lessons 1-4)
LESSON 1 6/9/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 5,9
Devotional Reading: Exod 2:1; 6:16-20; 15:20.
Topic For Adults: Lay A Good Foundation For Your Family
Topic For Youths: Why Am I Here?
Topic For Intermediates: I Am A Child Of Destiny
Scripture Lesson: Gen. 34:30, 49:1-5; Exo. 2:1
Memory Verse: “And a man of the house of Levi went and took as wife a daughter of Levi” (Exo. 2:1) NKJV
Sat. 5/9/2015
God Chose Tribe of Levi As His Own
Num. 3:5-13
Because of the commitment of the children of Levi to the things of God, God chose them out of the rest of the tribes of Israel. God claimed every firstborn male among the Israelites as belonging to Him because their lives were spared in the death of the first born in Egypt. The Levites were then chosen in the place of the first born males. From among the Levites, God chose the descendants of Aaron as priests; the rest of the Levites were chosen to serve before God in the works of the tabernacle. They were given the responsibility of performing all the rituals in the tabernacle. They were the ones to erect the tent of meeting and to dismantle it and carry it when they were moving. They were also given responsibility to slaughter the animals offered for sacrifice. In essence they were to represent the people before God. You too can distinguish yourself among all believers through your commitment to the things of God.
Point of Emphasis: If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people.
Prayer Point: God, I commit myself to You, make me a special treasure to You in Jesus’ name.
SAMEDI 05/09/2015
NOMBRES 3:5-13
Du fait de l’engagement des enfants de Lévi aux choses de Dieu, il les choisit parmi le reste des autres tribus d’Israël. Dieu s’est consacré les premiers-nés parmi les Israélites comme lui appartenant car ils furent épargnés de la mort des premiers-nés en Egypte. Les Lévites furent alors choisis à la place des premiers-nés. Du milieu des Lévites, Dieu choisit les descendants d’Aaron pour sacrificateurs. Le reste des Lévites furent choisis pour servir devant Dieu dans les soins du tabernacle. Ils étaient tenus pour responsables d’exécuter tous les rituels dans le tabernacle. C’était à eux d’ériger la tente d’assignation, de la démanteler et de l’emporter quand ils s’en allaient. Il leur fut aussi conféré la responsabilité d’immoler les animaux offerts en sacrifice. En substance, ils devaient représenter le peuple devant Dieu. Tu peux toi aussi te faire distinguer parmi tous les fidèles de par ton engagement aux choses de Dieu.
Point essentiel : Si tu obéirais vraiment à ma voix et garderais mon alliance, tu seras alors pour moi un trésor spécial au-dessus de tout le peuple.
Axe de prière : Dieu, je me consacre à toi; fais de moi un trésor spécial pour toi au nom de Jésus.