Sun. 26/7/2015
Unit 2 – I Know Thy Works-Time For Critical Self-Examination (Lessons 4-11)
LESSON 8 26/7/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 47, 50
Devotional Reading: REV. 22:11-15
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Scripture Lesson
REV. 2:24-29
Memory Verse: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev. 2:29) NKJV
Sun. 26/7/2015
The Christian’s Identification Card
Matt. 7:15-23
It has become a normal way of life in the modern days to request for one’s identity cards to confirm that the person is really what and who he or she claims to be. Similarly, more than ever before, people nowadays, whether overtly or covertly, desire the identity card of the Christian to verify whether or not he or she is a genuine Christian. This is moreso as there is a growing number of people parading themselves all over the place as Christians, even as pastors, prophets etc, when they are actually rapacious wolves in sheep’s clothing. The identity card that shows the Christian is seen in the fruits he or she bears. The Bible says every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruits. What kinds of fruit do you bring forth; fruits of the Spirit or the corrupt works of the flesh? Remember that the text goes further to add that every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.
Point of Emphasis: By their fruits you shall know them.
Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, fill me so that my life will be manifesting the fruits of the Spirit.
In last week’s lesson we saw that the Church in Thyatira engaged in “the deep things
of Satan,” indicating a drift in spiritual godly and moral standards to satanic practices and rituals. The activities are still prevalent in the Church today and many are still very actively engaging in them. Jesus says to those who refuse to embrace them to “Hold fast what you have.” He promises to reward those who hold on to the faith till He comes just as judgment awaits all those involved in satanic activities.
The Church in Thyatira was not only asked to reject Jezebel and her practices, the Church was also enjoined to stand firm and hold fast to their faith in Christ. Members of the Church were counseled to repent and break off the compromise and then hold firm to the true teaching of the Bible (vs. 25). This admonition also goes to the Church today. There are several sinful practices going on in and around the Church. Some of them have become acceptable as a normal norm of the modern times. In some other cases, there are practices which are unacceptable but which still on go in various ways and Church is looking the other way, pretending not to see them. We should note very well that God will never bend His standard to conform with man’s no matter acceptable a thing may be among men. Therefore we need to steer clear from the ways of the world and stand firm on the faith, based on the word of God and not the practice of men. This we need to do steadfastly not for a period of time but till the end when the Lord shall come. We need to keep close to Jesus and His words in our spiritual journey everyday till He comes.
As the Lord will not hesitate to visit judgment on the sinner, so also He gives assurance of reward to the overcomer. In verse 26 the Lord describes the overcomer as the one who “keepeth my works unto the end.” That means the one who will not compromise with the world or the trendy way of the faith but will remain on the old landmarks till the end. It also includes people who have overcome challenges posed by Jezebel and her supporters. The rewards the Lord promises the overcomers include authority over the nations to rule them with a rod of iron, victory over all enemies, and the morning star. This morning star is Jesus Himself, as Revelation 22:16 reveals. Jesus will give Himself to His church, and they will fellowship together forever. All these refer to the rewards the overcomer would get at the second coming of Christ during His Millennial reign on earth, when the saints will partake in reigning with Him.
Verse 29 shows the personal and loving concern of God for His people, not wanting any to perish but to come to Him in repentance. He says “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.” The phrase “He who has an ear let him hear” appears in one form or the other several times in the Bible, and all the time when the Lord wants to underscore something important. It also tends to highlight a cause and effect or a truth and consequences. In each case, those being addressed are offered a clear choice and consequences are foretold. It is as clean cut a model as you will find anywhere in Scripture of the basis on which the Lord has determined to relate to us. Ultimately the consequences of our choices can be a matter of life or death. It therefore goes to show that the appeal goes beyond using the ears merely as organs of hearing but of listening to effect a change of behaviour.
All we have considered about the Thyatira Church is relevant to Churches of all ages and their members. In fact, it seems to be more relevant to the present Church than others before it. The promises and warnings are needed in our individual lives, no matter what our local church may belong. The letter to the Church in Thyatira is a very practical letter for this very age of ours and we need to heed to it today, even more than the Church of the first century.
- State briefly what Jesus advised the church of Thyatira to do.
- How is God looking at some practices in the church which look sinful but the church pretend not to see?
- Mention some sinful practices in the church which should not be allowed in our midst and how can we prevent them?
- What are the rewards for those who are steadfast according to this lesson.
- What could be the consequence of our choices?
DIMANCHE 26/07/2015
MATTHIEU 7 :15-23
C’est devenu un mode de vie normal dans les temps contemporains d’exiger sa carte d’identité pour confirmer que la personne dont la photo apparaît sur la carte est réellement celle qu’elle prétend être. De la même façon, plus que jamais, les gens de nos jours, soit ouvertement ou secrètement, désirent la carte d’identité du chrétien pour vérifier si oui ou non, il/elle est un chrétien ou chrétienne sincère. Cela est d’autant plus qu’il y a un nombre croissant de gens qui se font passer partout pour chrétiens, même pour pasteurs, prophètes, etc. alors que ce sont réellement des loups ravisseurs en vêtements de brebis. La Bible dit que tout bon arbre porte de bons fruits mais un mauvais arbre en porte de mauvais. Quelle sorte de fruits portes-tu ? Est-ce les fruits de l’Esprit ou les mauvaises œuvres de la chair ? Souviens-toi que le texte va plus loin en ajoutant que tout arbre qui ne porte pas de bons fruits est coupé et jeté au feu.
Point essentiel : Vous les reconnaîtrez à leurs fruits.
Axe de prière : Saint-Esprit, remplis-moi afin que ma vie manifeste les fruits de l’Esprit.