What to Do While Waiting for Answer to Prayers

What to Do While Waiting for Answer to Prayers
Between the time that you said amen in prayer and the time of manifestation, there are a lot of things that happen. The devil confuses so many people to think that God has failed or that He is too slow to deliver an answer to prayer. Once you have prayed over a matter, take your mind off it. It’s not God that brings your mind to it again, it is the devil. Every time that your mind turns to that problem thank God for it. Stop treating God as if He is not alive. Every time you pray again and again over a matter, it means that you are assuming that God is deaf or not alive.
So what must you do while waiting for the physical manifestation of answers to your prayers?
- Get yourself busy in the work of God and any activity He has for you. This is what Mt.6:33 tells us. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all these things shall be added to you.
- Immerse yourself in the work of God. Exodus 23:25 tells us that when we serve God he will bless our bread and water and take sickness from us.
- Win souls.
- Serve in God’s house.
- Be involved in divine things that take your mind from your needs to ministering to others. In other words, allow God to use you to meet the needs of others.
- Stand in thanksgiving– Romans 4:20 tells us that Abraham was strong in faith as he gave glory to God.
Remember that whatever you pay attention to is what and who you really worship.
Thinking about our needs and problems all day long turns us into idol worshipers. For then it means we are worshiping our challenges.
When you do these things, you will discover that your situation is met with God’s solution.
– Pastor Theo Ajadi