#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Tue. 1/12/2015

UNIT 1: His Early Judaism Life (Lessons 1-2)

LESSON 1         6/12/2015

Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 258, 259
Devotional Reading: Prov. 22:1-8
Topic For Adults: Give Your Child A Good Foundation
Topic For Youths: Your Foundation Is Important
Topic For Intermediates: Listen To The Voice Of The Elders
Scripture Lesson: Acts 4:13, 22:3, 5:34, 18:3, Phil. 3:7-8; Phil. 3:5, Acts 21:39, Phil. 3:20; Gal. 1:4, Phil. 3:4-6, Acts 23:6, Acts 6:9

Memory verse:     “… and was zealous toward God as you all are today (Acts 22:3c) NKJV


Tue. 1/12/2015

Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go

Prov. 22:1-8

The Scriptures teach that we should train up our children in the way of the Lord so that they can grow up to be Christian adults. Yes, sometimes our children can stray away from the Christian principles that are taught to them. However, just like the prodigal son who strayed away from his father’s love and later came back home when he repented, if our children are taught the way of the Lord, even though they may stray away for a time, in God’s own time, they will come back to living the Christian principles that they were taught. To train up a child in the way of the Lord, we must train and teach them about Christ. We must train and teach them how to be holy in everything they do, say or think. We should train and teach our children with biblical instructions from the word of God with love and discipline.

Point of Emphasis:    Train your children while there is still hope.
Prayer Point:     Lord, bring back all Christian children that have strayed from the faith, let them remember all they had been taught in the past.

GOFAMINT Australia